this is my overdue valentine's post...
my sweet girls...
we fill baskets for each holiday, not just easter. so that is always the exciting part of the morning. our holiday fairies tend to always create a mess. the valentine's fairy leaves red and pink "fairy dust" from the baskets to the window. she is not as messy as the tooth fairy, who spreads her fairy dust under the pillow, on the bed, and all the way to the window. sheesh... it is hard to clean up, but well worth it. even now, when the girls are older...they still love it.
we try to cook everything into a heart shape. put red food coloring in as much as we can. and delight in each other!
my sexy husband...
we have become more and more in love as the years move forward. we have also decided to celebrate that love through out the year, not just on feb. 14. he is so great about bring home fresh cut daisies, my favorite. bring home a new pair of shoes for me, or now that we are broke, he will put up the laundry, scratch my back, play with my hair, and always leave me notes on the bathroom mirror. as far as loving him...well, we all know what guys like.
love. love. love. XOXOXOXOXOX